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More Gardens and Museums

4 January 2015

There was some neat stuff in the museums.   Bea and I declined taking a tour bus to and from each of these places. We simply found a map, marked which gardens and museums we wanted to make it to, and braved another new city's public transit. Buses all the way!  Or by foot. We walked a few times. Some of these places were only a few blocks apart, and it made for a nice change. ^_^


Tiger Hill Pagoda is the Chinese version of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Although it might be older. So you could potentially say that the Leaning Tower of Pisa is the European version of Tiger Hill Pagoda....

There are the gates to the park where the Pagoda stands.  It leans quite noticeably too. The park is surrounded by a moat, which you can traverse in a gondola, for a fee... which we decided not to bother with, since it was cold, and we'd been on a gondola in Zhouzheng not too many days beforehand.

See?! It LEANS!  And look! Both of us in the same picture!  We got a nice helpful stranger to work the camera for us. ^_^

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